- Posted On 29 August 2016
- BYago_ra
Învățăm să povestim sau despre bibliotecarii mentori și utilizatorii autori
Prin intermediul organizării de sesiuni gratuite de Digital Storytelling participanții – utilizatori ai bibliotecii și membri ai comunității – sunt încurajați să se exprime și să producă povești digitale originale. Este vorba despre co...
- Posted On 22 August 2016
- BYago_ra
Memoria colectivă – recuperată prin intermediul poveștilor digitale la biblioteca publică
Prin intermediul poveștilor digitale, manieră de lucru propusă de proiectul Agora Culturală @ Biblioteca Ta, fiecare participant – ca membru al comunității – este încurajat să devină autr de conținut digital original. Cu îndrumarea bib...

- Posted On 16 August 2016
- BYago_ra
Poveștile digitale – bibliotecarii facilitatori de conținut digital produs de utilizatori
Fiecare dintre noi are o poveste de împărtășit, care poate deschide mintea și sufletul celor care iau contact cu această istorisire. În proiectul Agora Culturală @ Biblioteca Ta, bibliotecarii-traineri din patru județe au ghidat utilizatorii înt...

- Posted On 15 August 2016
- BYago_ra
Poveștile inspiră povești, iar povestitorii devin tezaure vii
Atelierele de poveşti digitale Agora Culturală @ Biblioteca Ta propun o schimare de paradigmă. Dacă până acum bibliotecarii erau exclusiv mediatori ai informației la raft, acum bibliotecarii devin mentori în procesul de alfabetizare digitală pent...

- Posted On 17 February 2016
- BYago_ra
Press release – In your words
The original play “In your Words” brings on the stage Romanian’s view on multiculturalism More than 900 stories on the cultural diversity of the inland minorities, told by Romanians at the public libraries were gathered through the Cultural ...

- Posted On 27 January 2016
- BYago_ra
The internet cannot get enough of the most beautiful libraries rankings
The internet is filled with rankings of the most beautiful libraries, either turned into pubs, restaurants, churches or the other way around, pubs turned into libraries, which does not happen very often. Skimming through rankings like these, we can take p...

- Posted On 18 December 2015
- BYago_ra
New Year Resolutions for 2016
A new year means a new beginning, setting new ways and goals for having a better, happier, healthier year than the previous one, rich in favourable results and new experiences. The New Year Resolutions have become a really popular and encouraged tendency ...

- Posted On 14 December 2015
- BYago_ra
The always changing, always astonishing Christmas traditions
The winter holidays may be the most celebrated time of the year, with lots and lots of arrangements, busy days celebrating and the mirage of snow, rejoicing children and grownups altogether. However, the Christmas and the New Year’s customs are a fu...

- Posted On 30 November 2015
- BYago_ra
Beauty is a subjective matter, but keeping an open mind towards all types of beauty is crucial
We are inquisitive beings, we want to discover and to understand, to feel and enjoy the beauty of the surroundings. The moral conscience finds itself in a continuous growth and it is shaped by emotional, cognitive and cultural traits. We are aware that th...

- Posted On 12 November 2015
- BYago_ra
The role of reading in extending the vision on the world
Regardless the times we live in, education should be a continuous process, and its essential core is reading. Among pupils, reading plays a decisive role in enriching and acquiring a taste for it. The passion for reading should be imbued from an early age...