Cultural diversity: an invaluable wealth of Romania:
Why ethnic pride is important?
Romania is a privileged country in terms of both cultural and ethnic diversity. The ethnic richness is due to the geographical position and tumultuous history of these lands. The influence of various nations is nowadays felt not only in gastronomy, language, traditions, architecture, but is abreast with the time through the ethnic people themselves who are living in the country today. In the words of former US Ambassador to Romania Michael Guest, we are lucky that we, as a country, have such an ethnic and cultural diversity. Unfortunately, not all of us are aware of this blessing.
Ethnic pride is highly topical: the pride of being Romanian, Armenian, Roma, Turkish, Hungarian and so on acquires numerous representations. And this is very good because only through a positive attitude and acceptance of our origins or the others we have a balanced society. Moreover, the ethnic pride is essential for the healthy development of the young people belonging to ethnic minorities.
Ethnic issues should be on the public agenda in Romania, since a good understanding of ethnic specificity substantially contribute to the healthy development of young people and their later success. The identity acceptance will enable them to focus on what they want to do, without being inhibited by elements that form their personality and that they can not change, things that directly relate to achievements and success they may have in the community in which they are integrated.
Likewise, an ethnic group, race, culture, comes with new ideologies, new paradigms in order to analyze and approach things. This cultural diversity is the foundation of the harmonious development of a community, leading to the identification of solutions. Last, but not least, ethnic diversity can highlight the heritage values of each ethnic group. An attractive project that talks about ethnic pride is the one of the Romanian Mihaela Noroc who made the portraits of 37 women from 37 countries to illustrate how a beautiful woman is seen in each of them.
Along the same lines, the project Cultural Agora @ Your library sets itself a generous approach dedicated to all ethnic minorities in Romania.
Through a series of free workshops where people will learn the digital story technique, the project demonstrates once again how valuable is the cultural diversity and how lucky we are as people, that we have such a wealth of minorities on Romania’s territory.
Representatives of the various ethnic groups in Cluj, Braila, Sibiu, Bucharest and not only, are invited to go to libraries and tell their own ethnic story in an innovative and participatory way.
You may follow the project on https://www.facebook.com/agoraculturala